Managing Director's Message
Dear Parents,
International School Rajouri is committed to creating an ambience for nurturing innovation, creativity and excellence in our students.
We always have believed that education in International School is educating the whole child. We strive to provide knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and beliefs that are essential for a productive, successful and happy life. We recognize that these goals are best achieved when the school provides an environment in which teachers, parents, staff and others develop and practice core values that benefit the academic, emotional and social needs of all children.

We also believe that we can develop within each student the desire to know, the tools to seek and the ability to find, understand and use information as a means to becoming self-sufficient, responsible, and productive citizens to a complex, ever-changing, and diverse society. We seek a challenging and supportive learning environment that capitalizes on the natural curiosity of children as they explore all parts of the curriculum. The academic flexibilities are complemented by a breadth of activities outside the classroom. Every student finds exhaustive opportunities to participate in and contribute to a variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. We lay emphasis on well-rounded personality development of the students and also in schooling the values of teamwork and integrity in them. We strive to develop each student to work with all vigor and values for the betterment of humankind and train them for lifelong learning.
I invite you to take time to explore the site and, if you wish, to provide feedback on it. With such feedback we can maintain and improve, helpful and professional site that will contribute to improved teaching and learning in our school.
Managing Director : International School Rajouri